Thursday, 9 April 2015


Vera Maresova, dubbed ‘Nurse Death’ by local media, allegedly gave deadly doses of potassium to five women and one man over a four-year period. The heartless hospital worker struck over a four-year period.
The 50-year-old was initially arrested in August last year for the death of a 70-year-old woman who was poisoned two months earlier. Since then, Maresova has admitted to killing five more patients between 2010 and 2014.
A police spokesman said: “All of her victims were elderly and needed intensive treatment. The woman who was supposed to care for them but instead killed them because she wanted to make life easier for herself. The number of victims is six, we do not suspect the nurse committed any more murders.”
Commenting on the situation, Prosecutor Frantisek Stibor said: “She is not insane and knew exactly what she was doing. Therefore she is fit to stand trial. She used her knowledge of medicine to cause malfunctions in heart rhythms which led to heart failure and death.”
Having confessed to the crime, 50-year-old Maresova now faces the prospect of spending the rest of her life in prison. This is not the first time when nurses make use of their patients’ vulnerability, earlier this year an Italian nurse was arrested on suspicion of killing 38 terminal patients as she had found them or their families annoying. One more male nurse chose a deadly way of demonstrating his resuscitation skills causing the deaths of 30 patients in Germany.

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